Get 'In Search of the Perfect Peach' now, our Founder Franco Fubini’s debut book



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Irish Lilt White Peach

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In 2019 Nick took over Fitz Kelly's orchards in Reedley, CA. Drawing on five generations’ worth of Central Valley farming and the tenacious determination of a young grower, Nick is honing in on good farming practices and varietal specification to phenomenal results. Nick is preserving varieties forsaken by purely commercial growers in favor of extended shelf life and higher yields.


Nick's season is a carefully choreographed series of explosions. With each of his 100 varieties only ripe for ten days at the most. When he started, this number was closer to 70. He’s been adding new varieties each year, growing diversity and filling in gaps — including 10 new plum varieties and “a few weird one’s sprinkled in” like an Italian Ice Peach that he grafted last year.


“If it's got my name on it, you can count on it tasting delicious, even if it doesn't look picture perfect.”

When we spoke with Nick last week, he mentioned that his approach to varietal selection differs greatly from the norm for commercial growers. For them, all that matters is the size of the fruit, and how well it will withstand transit. In his words “they don’t even taste it!” For Nick, all he cares about is how flavorful the fruit is — sometimes this means selecting fruit other growers forgo as terrible due to size, russeting and scarring, “for [him] its the perfect variety because it eats exceptionally well.”

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Dancin' Demon Pluot

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Nick enjoys talking to the people that are either buying it or have a really close relationship with the people using the fruit. This allows him to educate consumers about the sizing, or diversity of flavor profiles in his fruit, and encourage people to ditch notions of uniformity. Beyond educating people, Nick loves getting feedback: hearing which varieties taste great, or in some cases, which don’t shine quite as much.

“If you grow in the right manner, you can get feedback directly from the people that get your food whereas if you just are a wholesale farmer you just grow this, you grow your crop, and then some broker sells that and you'd have no idea where your fruit goes.”


He goes the extra step of thinning his trees, this year that meant more than usual — 90% of the fruit — as Nick reported a record year for bloom set on his trees, from ample rains. By thinning his plants, the remaining fruits do not have to compete so tightly for nutrients, allowing each to reach its full flavor potential. Each tree has a potential sugar level that it divides between its fruits: the fewer on the branch, the higher the sugar concentration in each fruit. Most conventional growers do not thin their trees beyond what is absolutely necessary, prioritizing yield over flavor.


Nick passes over his trees multiple times a season, only ever picking fruit that has reached full maturity on the branch. Mainstream commercial channels would not accept fruit in this form: on top of all the extra work, its delicate, short shelf life makes it impossible for most retailers to handle.

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July Flame Yellow Peach

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William Mullan shot this campaign for us, capturing the beauty and wonder of Nick’s imperfect but extraordinary Stone Fruit. He is the creator of Odd Apples, a project where he has documented and educated people about the wonders and diversity of apple varieties. Like Apples, there is incredible diversity in Stone Fruit, of which Nick Boldt is a champion of – growing 100 varieties himself. The uniform set of Peaches, Nectarines and Plums we know from supermarkets is not representative of what these fruits are or can be.

William Mullan

We exist to fix the food system.

People are more cut off from the origins of their food than ever. This makes flavor, nutrition and farming practices that protect the planet, almost impossible to find.

By working directly with growers, we create a more sustainable way forward for farming. By giving everyone the tools to understand the power of our food choices, we empower everybody to become drivers of change.

Now is the time for action. Join the food system revolution.

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Go beyond four seasons

Each fruit and vegetable has its own season, with subtle shifts which happen every day. Follow their microseasons to unlock flavor at every stage.


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Know where your food comes from

We know the name of the person behind everything we source. Recognize their growing artistry to find out exactly where your food comes from (and why that matters).


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Make your diet diverse

Our growers work with varieties chosen for quality and nutrition, not yield. By selecting their crops you keep heritage seeds in play, add to ecosystem biodiversity and preserve unique flavors.


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